Soooo the update is: Unreal is the new software to learn. After a face to face with my lecturer, and advice for what to focus on over the summer; he advised that when we are back in September to know how to trigger particles in Unreal. To get to know the weather systems and to play with the audio. We went through some timelines and which aspects to focus on.
The biggest piece of advice he gave to me and the class was to practise at Unreal for 45minutes a day. It sounds a bit like torture but I know it is the only way. After reading https://www.amazon.co.uk/Use-Your-Head-unleash-power/dp/1406644277 ; reviewing material over and over is the only way to remember something, or how to use it.
The past week has been a mash of OOP assignments

….and flexing my art director muscles as part of the overall Animation Project. Who know the colour gold could be such a pain to use in Powerpoint!

I’ll update again when I have relaxed into having my evenings to myself again. Ciao