It’s the summer, with some monsoon summer thrown in. I got even busier with more exams and so my Unreal fun got disturbed.
In the meantime though I did get in touch with Elaine Hoey about Unreal and if she had any pointers about learning it. Elaine gave a really good workshop at DAS in Belfast in January.] Well Elaine was super quick to get back to me and highlighted the main areas. Given that Elaine has been in the field for quite a while and lectures with NCAD, I am taking her advice like gold.
The main Areas are: -Modelling, Materials, Interaction/Blueprints, Lighting, Sound, Good workflow practise from Maya to Unreal and Optimizing everything from low to high textures.
She recommended to visit as many VR galleries or exhibitions as possible.
So where to start? At the very beginning like Mary Poppins said 🙂 Well for me knowing where to start is the biggest issue. My early dabbling with Unreal was very intimidating.
What are the options for learning?
I actually took a lot of time to look at these courses and decide how to go about learning. Some have quite old tutorials on the Fundamentals and take a bit of time to get into the nitty gritty.
I have settled on Unreal Engine’s own academy as it has little tests along the way. For me, being tested is the only way I really learn.
I also have ressurected a Graphic Design Course I started 3 years ago with Coursera.

I hope to post any insights on get on design theory here aswell as the Design Thinking Playbook book.
**45minutes?**_ I did my 45minutes of Unreal engine by watching the introduction to the interface and Blueprints. I only got 86% in the test at the end so tomorrow I will do better!