So this week was a combo of trying to get ahead with my Animation Project. Realising that – even though its the summer, there still needs to be a lot of work done. I can’t go all out social and enjoy myself too much because there is work to do!

I watched the main principals of Unreal in Pluralsight. I made some notes. I really want to play with the Emitter Particles.
Before this I had been writing my learnings in a notebook ; now I am starting to re-use my OneDrive for storing a shared document.
The emitter/particle system is a whole new area of its own.

I am struggling even with understanding the little coloured boxes to the left of the graph editor. And getting rid of the widgets! I thought I knew how to get rid of it but obviously not. Where I am coming from is I need the audio to incur a particle system.
Aside: I’m trying to learn Unreal in conjunction with the group animation project. I have imported the fbx of the model town into Unreal. The whole interface for me is confusing. It’s all very well watching tutorials but trying to figure out how to use an existing fbx file in another program is daunting. I would love to create the seasons in Unreal and somehow export as a layer which I could use then in Blender to use together. July 8th 2019 July 8th 2019
- How would I export a level as a layer?
- What do I need to learn to understand the weather system?
- How do I use the fbx to its full capacity from Maya into Unreal?(correct workflow)
Like anything, its about how well I google what I am looking for.
Regarding workflow ; this Unreal guide looks like a good start:

Weather system wise: Watch the videos and try to make sense of them(ideally without having to buy the Weather system)!
Review the videos from College about layers in Blender
It might seem that I am a bit all over the place. And I suppose I am. Unreal is a vehemoth. As I said earlier, its easy to watch tutorials and think you know what’s going on when in reality not a clue. Also, working with Maya again is a drag and the endless pain I suffered last summer trying to figure out what was wrong(when there isn’t necessarily anything wrong- Maya is just nuts); is all coming back to me.