I am writing this post in the future for the past! So last week was a lot of networking.
I met with Niall Campion of VRAI. We discussed the use of VR in real terms – how its applied, use cases etc.
Then I attended the 3D camp meetup – which had talks from a wide range of VR/AR applications – from VR in sport, how AR is used in businesses, the use of Virtual Avatart and Immersive Animation 1.0.
The VR in Sport talk was about how to improve a goalkeepers reaction to a free kick;the company is called Incivis. Cathy Craig, a Professor in Ulster Universtiy, gave a really impressive overview and it really hit home how VR can help athletes and move to people with mobility issues.
The business case talk was given by UtilityAR and given my shared experience in utilities I really enjoyed it.
The talk on behaviour/virtual avatars was a surprise. I didn’t appreciate that people who were charged with domestic abuse were being treated with this type of therapy.
Mersus were the last company presenting and Geoffrey Allan was very direct and therefore refreshing.
Overall, the networking and the equipment on-site was great. It was my first 3D camp and definitely not my last. I really enjoyed it and a big thanks to James Corbett for organising.