This week has been more about connecting with people in the VR world more than actually learning. I met with VRAI and discussed what they are working on.
It’s really exciting how they are combining training with VR.
One of the biggest questions I had was what is big in VR at the moment.
The answer was very loud and clear; Training. Basically training that saves companies money instead of having to pay for staff to travel on-site.
It sounds a tad boring but it makes sense and it is actually really cool. The biggest challenge is to maintain the initial product and how to maximise the use of it.
What particularly interested me was the fixing of the sub-sea cable – for ESB International and the fixing of the overhead line with ESB Networks.

I also watched the repair of the overhead line and it was equally as interesting. This is the sort of work that I would be familiar with from an engineering perspective. Reading a method statement in an office is very far removed from the actual work itself so a VR experience like this is invaluable for immersing staff in realistic surroundings.

This type of environment would be especially useful for health and safety on construction sites, clean room environments and associated behavioural reactions .
This type of work is already being used in medical applications by ArchVisual. Accessed June 27th 2019
It was certainly an interesting chat. Similarly as enlightening as the conversation last week with Samsung
Tonight it is the 3D Meetup. I also need to keep working away at the main Animation Project which is looming away.