Yoeri -Luos- Vleerhttps://youtu.be/3jy_IJNCsPI
The last 7 days have been reviewing the Emitters and making sure that I am keeping in line with my lecturer’s advice.
I am a bit worried that it is August and I feel I don’t know very much about Emitters or how Blueprints work. I checked out my lecturer’s advice to see what he had suggested. I forgot that he had sent on some really good tutorials on effects that I would like to incorporate
also the weather system.
With the ImpactFX system, it is a question of when do I do it? how do I fit in the time needed to go through the videos.
There are 18 videos to watch which vary in length and, I would assume complexity. Perhaps a good idea would be to aim to watch a video a day? Or maybe pick the first 5 that would be a good grounding and go from there.
At the moment the below are the most interesting and are the most applicable in terms of issues. To start off I would focus on the ones here.

Then I would move onto the more advanced ones, but which I know cause a bit of hassle. For example meshes are not as straightforward as I thought to import into Unreal, and Vector Fields are a huge interest to me(as per my last post).

Today’s plan would be to watch those first 5 videos through. Make some notes and highlight the bits that I would want to look into further.
Looking at BluePrints is still of interest to me. I had a look at the Pluralsight course and these items I know are of use. How do I learn from it without spending too much time on it?

https://app.pluralsight.com/library/courses/unreal-engine-4-blueprints-fundamentals/table-of-contents Accessed 01/08/19
With regards to the Weather System,
I need to read up on the tutorial. There are a lot of things I don’t need. For example lightning and fog. Perhaps this can be something to look at mid-August when I have got to grips with the FX emitters.
I want to be able to change the elements of the weather easily.
So the plan for the next week
- (August 1st- 8th) – look/practise the ImpactFX tutorials and to watch the BluePrint Fundamentals course.
- (August 9th – 16th) – look/practise the advanced ImpactFX tutorials and the weather tutorials
I am away on holidays at the end of August so unsure how I will be able to “practise” implementing what I am learning 😕
Anyways at least I have a plan for the next two weeks. That’s all that matters! A bientot!