December 2019 Update

UE4 Update Phew its been a hectic few months and literally been **snowed** under 😀 I have learnt so much about UE4, about pipelines and of course, how useful coffee is! Learning about UE4 and its capabilities has definitely been the highlight, and the squished up time required to do this – the lowlight, of

Travel Design Inspiration; Latvia

Next stop on the travels was to Riga in Latvia. Art Nouveau is a biggie and something I was really looking forward to seeing. The great thing is ; it is literally everywhere-not just in the dedicated Art Nouveau district. The landscape of the city is vibrant, with contrasting colours and extravagant colours/forms used –

Unreal for Real; Day 40 ++ {BluePrints}

In parallel with the visuals research I got down to business with learning about Blueprints. Again, watching something is a very passive way of learning. So I started watching the Pluralsight videos again (Unreal Engine 4 Blueprints Fundamentals) and making notes. Making notes by hand made a huge difference in terms of what actually I

Using Maya Sinead Hanlon

Group Project Update; July 27th 2019

Time is moving on and term time getting closer! I set myself a task of figuring out which tasks I think need to be completed next. We have completed the blocking out of the videos. One of the team members suggested we check out a series of videos on doing camera work: Where I

Unreal for Real; Day 27 – Infinity{Emitters}

This week was spent understanding particle emitters using the Pluralsight course. As I watched, I took some printscreens and made some notes in a live Word document. The following emitters were covered: Sprite Emitters GPU Sprite Emitters Mesh Particle Emitters Ribbon Particle Emitters Beam Particle Emitters Anim Trail Particle Emitters Sub UV Particle Systems Optimizing

Sinead Hanlon Graphic Design

Graphic Design Tangent – Unreal Relief Days!

I went off on a tangent this weekend slightly as I am only discovering how cool the iPad is for Apps and also trying to finish a little course I am doing on the side with California Institute of Arts. I thought it would be a good time to learn about graphic design in this